How to Avoid My $25,000 Error
When I was starting out, I used to just hand my CPA my end-of-year financials and ask him to calculate my taxes.
I trusted him to know exactly what to do with my real estate business.
After all, he's a CPA. He should know all of the secrets for real estate entrepreneurs...
Right? Wrong!
In fairness, only expensive and very specialized CPA's know all of the ins and outs of real estate tax strategies.
I paid my CPA $8000 to calculate my taxes!
A year later, I discovered I paid $8000 for him to miss a $25,000 check due me from the
That's right. $25,000!
The good news is I got it (thankfully).
The bad news is I would have missed it if I hadn't learned a very important lesson...
It is our job to be the quarterback with regards to our own tax strategies.
Join me and my expert TODAY:
We can't rely on our CPA - the costs are simply too high. We have to set our own tax strategy and guide them as is best for our business.
So from then on, that's what I did and continue to do.
And I cut my CPA fees by thousands of dollars each year. Because I understood what needed to be done.
I want you to be able to do the same without running risk of missing a $25,000 check from the IRS.
So, TODAY, I'm hosting a webinar with a national real estate tax strategist - the best: Mr. Bill Noll.
Join me and my expert TODAY:
I want you to know what to be looking for and asking your CPA.
You have to be the quarterback when it comes to your tax strategies. Don't rely solely
on your CPA. One idea from this webinar could save you thousands!